Studies show that long term exposure to chemicals can trigger the onset of various diseases and disorders. For the past 50 years, more than 80,000 chemicals have been developed and used in the production of various products. Unfortunately, the majority of these chemicals have not been tested for possible toxic effects on the health of both humans and animals. Most alarmingly, some of these chemicals are commonly present in the air, food, water and even in the products that we use every day.
Cleaning products are some of the most common examples of highly concentrated chemicals used every day by most households. Effective cleaning products found in most grocery stores contain strong chemicals that may potentially have a harmful effect on your health in the long run. Contents such as ammonia and bleach are just some of the chemicals that make cleaning products so effective yet risky. Ammonia causes burns, while bleach is known to cause irritation to the skin, eyes and the respiratory tract. Chemicals would either have an opposing, synergistic and even additive effect depending on other external agents. For example, exposure to asbestos while smoking tobacco tremendously increases by 25 fold the potential for developing lung cancer compared to other individuals.
Especially when nursing moms and children are present at home, the content of the products you choose for your home could be a matter of life and death for your whole family. In this case, adopting the healthy green living method is now more important than you could ever imagine. But these chemicals not only pose a threat to our health, but also to the environment. The evaporation of volatile components and the residues contribute to the pollution of our air and water.
There is a need to reduce exposure to toxins in every way possible and one great way to start is by opting for cleaning materials made from organic ingredients or better yet, making your very own cleaning materials yourself.
Fortunately, nature has a way of providing itself with its own remedy and that solution is to go back to the natural way. Making your own organic cleaning solutions is an eco-friendly and natural alternative to these harmful commercialized cleaning products sold in supermarkets. You’ll be surprised how these solutions can be made from the natural ingredients you already have in your kitchen.
This citrus fruit is the perfect natural household cleaning agent, the natural bleaching component and deodorizing properties of lemon makes it the perfect cleaning solution that removes grease, stains and eliminates mold and mildew.
- Dip your old toothbrush in pure lemon juice to help clean grout, add salt and use the mix to clean your grills and help polish chrome
- Add water to your lemon juice mix to remove cutting board stains
- Dilute lemon juice with water, soak all your greasy plastic containers overnight to remove the smell
- Spray lemon juice all over your kitchen to serve as a natural deodorizer
- Use olive oil to remove scratches from leather by rubbing it in
- Add some salt to this oil and use as a scrub for your pots and pans
- Mix olive oil with lemon juice or vinegar as an excellent wood polisher
- Use olive oil on cloth to give stainless steel and brass a beautiful shine
- Vinegar contains natural antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is a great grease remover and eliminator for soap scum.
- Make a 50/50 solution of vinegar and olive oil to help remove water rings from your wood table tops.
- Mix 1 cup of white vinegar with a gallon of water to help restore and revive the luster your carpet and rugs.
BAKING SODA. This ingredient is a great natural deodorizer that also removes grease and grime easily. It has a great antiviral property that makes it a perfect partner for every cleaning problem.
SALT. They say, never pour salt on a fresh wound, but pour it into vinegar and you have the perfect deodorizing solution for your kitchen.
- Add salt and club soda to help deodorize your refrigerator.
- Pour some salt into your lemon juice mix to help remove mildew and rust stains
- Brighten up your colored curtains and fiber rugs by washing them in a saltwater solution.
These powerful natural cleaning ingredients are the perfect eco-friendly solution to all your cleaning concerns. Use these ingredients and help reduce your family’s exposure to harmful chemicals one step at a time.
Reducing your family’s exposure to toxins is a step by step process that needs your commitment. By limiting every source of exposure to toxins, you are one step ahead in protecting your family from possible diseases. Find all the inexpensive cleaning solutions to your problems – the natural way!
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